Saturday 30 March 2013

The Reef Team

Sam's cousin Sprocket was visiting from the country, so we hung out at the park and took him on our favourite walk.
We make a great team - posing for our official photo and then getting down to the serious business of sniffing 'n' peeing.

Come back soon Sprocket!


Monday 11 March 2013

My miserable week

I’ve had a bit of a personal problem, which led to excessive licking. Actually, there was something irritating that I was trying to wash off, so I had a pretty good excuse. I had to wear this hideous thing day and night.

It was uncomfortable for sleeping but mostly I just felt sorry for myself. Looking forlorn worked well as I got twice as many treats as usual (so did Charlie, I might add, for doing nothing). I was even allowed to sit on the table and have dinner in bed.

I had Mummy wrapped around my little toe as she knew I couldn’t scratch my own ears J
The first day was interesting while I was getting used to being a “wide-load” and kept bumping into things. Charlie got shoved out of the way a few times – haha! I learned fast and the only thing I couldn’t manage was the dog-flap as it’s exactly the same width as the cone - lucky we have staff to open the doors.
The vet prescribed anti-biotics and anti-inflammatory medicine to make things better. I’m pretty smart when it comes to detecting new substances that have been added to food and treats, even crushed up. I can separate the tasty treat from the rest, eat what I want and then spit out the bits of tablet. Mummy got fed up with this and decided to use a hard-line approach of pushing the tablet to the back of my throat where I had to swallow it. Who knew she could be so brutal? Yuk!
The good news is I’m better and I don’t have to wear an Elizabethan collar anymore. I suppose I looked quite elegant and it was guaranteed to get lots of attention from humans, but I’m glad to be rid of it.

Cone-free Zone

Back soon

PS Charlie has been itching too. We think it’s caused by a plant called Tradescantia, so Mummy is trying to remove it all from the garden.