We live near bushland and there are so many birds around. Some of them are cute and colourful (I’ve been told) like lorikeets who gather in the gum tree for a chatter. But others are opportunistic and try to steal our food.
Bird spying on us |
The real villain is this cheeky magpie who is never far away when we’re having breakfast outside. In fact he’s usually sitting on a nearby fence or roof, waiting to strike.
I'm watching you, Bird |
I don’t leave anything to chance and eat my food straightaway. Charlie, on the other hand, likes to play a game of dare with the magpie and will leave his bone outside while he keeps watch through the patio door. As soon as the magpie swoops, Charlie is out there faster than a speeding arrow. Sometimes he isn’t quite fast enough and the bird takes off with Charlie’s breakfast. Either way, there’s always a lot of barking.
Mummy only has to say the word “bird” and we both race outside and cause a commotion.
Is there a word that has special powers for you (apart from “dinner”)?
Bye for now