Sunday, 31 August 2014


I hate storms, especially thunder and high winds. All that banging and rumbling spooks me. If Mum and Dad are at home then I stick close to them - on their lap or between their feet.
If they’re out, I go and look for someone else.

Last week I ran to the neighbours' house where I took shelter until Sam’s Mum came and picked me up. Then I snuggled with Sam for the day.

I’m a master of escapes but you'll never guess how I did it…



  1. OMD do tell. Glad all was well in the end. Have a serene easy Sunday now.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Oooo, we are very impressed Houdini Taco!
    Thanks for the birthday wishes for Dip.
    Dip and Elliot x
